Monday, April 30, 2007

Addendum to the Welcome

As I have been informed, I left out a section of the Booth and Noble workplace experience. Let me rectify this situation immediately, lest I be proclaimed an imbecile, a dolt, or a Dill Pickle.

6 The Cashwrap. You probably know it is the cash registers, or the line-that-never-ends. But we know it as, "the customer hell." Although you may think it is annoying waiting for us to finish our job ringing up the person ahead of you in line, let me just remind you of a few things that slow down the process:
A) writing checks. Hey! They give you a card! It does the same thing in 1/10 the time! USE IT. And if you're going to ask me the date -- DON'T! Know the date. And don't ask me to repeat the price so you can write it down...AGAIN. They make receipts for that task. NEXT!
B) Paying with change is not only annoying, it's also really lame. 'nuff said.
C) I do not want to chat with you about the weather. Especially if it's nice outside. ESPECIALLY IF IT'S THE START OF MY SHIFT.
D) Hey fellas? Clean out your damn wallet every once in awhile, will ya? I know it's exciting to hold on to that ticket stub for "A River Runs Through It," but did you need to bring it here?

Sorry I forgot about this important aspect of the Booth and Noble family.

1 comment:

digital_sextant said...

Dang. I'll put away my sockful of nickels before I go to my local booksellers then.
